
Together with a range of amazing co-authors, I have published 5+ journal papers (including top outlets, e.g., Production and Operations Management and the European Journal on Operational Research) and 10+ conference papers (including top conferences like NeurIPS, AAAI, IJCAI). You can find a full list of publications I co-authored also on Google Scholar.

Selected peer-reviewed publications

Journal publications

Productions and Operations Management
FT-50, Journal ranking: A, IF: 4.6
Jakubik, J., & Feuerriegel, S. (2022). Data‐driven allocation of development aid toward sustainable development goals: Evidence from HIV/AIDS. Production and Operations Management, 31(6), 2739-2756. Paper

European Journal of Operational Research
Journal ranking: A, IF: 6.4
Jakubik, J., Binding, A., & Feuerriegel, S. (2021). Directed particle swarm optimization with Gaussian-process-based function forecasting. European Journal of Operational Research, 295(1), 157-169. Paper

Business & Information Systems Engineering
Journal ranking: B, IF: 7.9
Jakubik, J., Vössing, M., Kühl, N., Walk, J., & Satzger, G. (2022). Data-centric Artificial Intelligence. Business & Information Systems Engineering. Paper

Quantitative Finance
Journal ranking: B, IF: 2.0
Jakubik, J., Nazemi, A., Geyer-Schulz, A., & Fabozzi, F. J. (2023). Incorporating financial news for forecasting Bitcoin prices based on long short-term memory networks. Quantitative Finance, 23(2), 335-349. Paper

Electronic Markets
Journal ranking: B, IF: 8.5
Holstein, J., Schemmer, M., Jakubik, J., Vössing, M., Satzger, G. (2023). Sanitizing Data for Analysis: Designing Systems for Data Understanding. Electronic Markets, 33 (52). Paper

Conference papers

Jakubik, J., Blumenstiel, B., Kühne, H., Vössing, M. (2023). What a MESS: Multi-Domain Evaluation of Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation. Accepted at NeurIPS 2023 Benchmarks & Datasets Track. Paper Website Code


  • Hemmer, P., Thede, L., Vössing, M., Jakubik, J., & Kühl, N. (2023). Learning to Defer with Limited Expert Predictions. AAAI’23. Paper Code
  • Jakubik, J., Hemmer, P., Vössing, M., Blumenstiel, B., Bartos, A., & Mohr, K. (2022, June). Designing a Human-in-the-Loop System for Object Detection in Floor Plans. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 36, No. 11, pp. 12524-12530). Paper

Hemmer, P., Schellhammer, S., Vössing, M., Jakubik, J., & Satzger, G. Forming Effective Human-AI Teams: Building Machine Learning Models that Complement the Capabilities of Multiple Experts. IJCAI’22. Paper Code

Jakubik, J., Vössing, M., Bär, D., Pröllochs, N., & Feuerriegel, S. (2022). Online Emotions During the Storming of the US Capitol: Evidence from the Social Media Network Parler. ICWSM’23. Paper Code

Schoeffer, J., Jakubik, J., Voessing, M., Kuehl, N., & Satzger, G. (2023). On the Interdependence of Reliance Behavior and Accuracy in AI-Assisted Decision-Making. HHAI’23. Paper Code

Jakubik, J., Muszynski, M., Vössing, M., Kühl, N., & Brunschwiler, T. (2023). Toward Foundation Models for Earth Monitoring: Generalizable Deep Learning Models for Natural Hazard Segmentation. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Paper


  • Jakubik, J., Muszynski, M., Vössing, M., Kühl, N., & Brunschwiler, T. (2023). Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Geospatial Semantic Segmentation. American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • B Zadrozny, R Bangalore, K Das, P Fraccaro, C Gomes, J Jakubik, Lambhate, D., Muszynski, M., Oliveira, D., Watson, C., & Weldemariam, K. (2023). Fine-tuning a Geospatial Foundation Model for Environmental Impact Monitoring Tasks. American Geophysical Union (AGU).

Open-source Work and Preprints

Foundation Models for Weather and Climate
Mukkavilli, S. K., Civitarese, D. S., Schmude, J., Jakubik, J., Jones, A., Nguyen, N., Phillips, C., Roy, S., Singh, S., Watson, C., Ganti, R., Hamann, H., Nair, U., Ramachandran,R., & Weldemariam, K. (2023). AI Foundation Models for Weather and Climate: Applications, Design, and Implementation. Paper

Geospatial Foundation Models
Jakubik, J., Roy, S., Phillips, C. E., Fraccaro, P., Godwin, D., Zadrozny, B., …, & Ramachandran, R. (2023). Foundation Models for Generalist Geospatial Artificial Intelligence. Paper

Jakubik, J., Chu, L., Fraccaro, P., Gomes, C., Nyirjesy, G., Bangalore, … & Luanga, D. (2023). NASA-IBM HLS Foundation Model - Image Segmentation by Foundation Model Finetuning. Code

Jakubik, J., Chu, L., Fraccaro, P., Gomes, C., Nyirjesy, G., Bangalore, R., …, & Luanga, D. (2023). Prithvi-100M. HuggingFace for Weights and Demo

Jakubik, J., Fraccaro, P., Oliveira Borges, D., Muszynski, M., Weldemariam, K., Zadrozny, B., Ganti, R., & Mukkavilli, K., (2023). Prithvi-100M - Flood Mapping. HuggingFace for Weights and Demo

Maskey, M., Cavallaro, G., …, Jakubik, J., Ganti, R., Ramasubramanian, K., Ramachandran, R., Weldemariam, K (2023). A Summer School Session on Mastering Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI): From Data Production to AI Foundation Model Development and Downstream Applications. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 11(3), 129-132. Paper

Community service

Here is a selected overview of my community services, including reviewer activities and chairing activities.

Reviewer activities


  • Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
  • Omega – The International Journal of Management Science


  • NeurIPS
  • ECML
  • AAAI
  • CHI
  • ICIS
  • ECIS
  • WI
  • CBI

Chairing activities

I served as track chair at IEEE IGARSS’23.